Thursday, May 14, 2020

Questions On The Board Of Nursing - 1066 Words

AZ Board of Nursing is an organization set up by the government to protect the public’s well-being. The board ensures that nurses are qualified to practice. The Board establishes safe practice by setting quality standards through regulation of education and licensing, which healthcare workers should comply. The organization also established and implements the Nurse Practice Act. They are responsible in setting rules and regulations for nurses in each state and needs to be followed with an intention of protecting the public for their safety ( AZ Board of Nursing monitors nurses to make sure that their licenses are in good and active standing to operate in healthcare. AZ Board of Nursing is also responsible for conducting†¦show more content†¦There are 11 members of the board appointed by the Governor of the State of Arizona. The members are comprised of 6 members that are Registered Nurses, 2 Practical Nurses, a Nurse Assistant Educator or a Nurse Ass istant, and 2 members that will represent the public at large. There are also about 54 staff members that regularly join the meeting. The board members receive the investigative reports a month prior the Board Meeting to review. The documents and reports received are strictly confidential. The Board President will identify the case with the agenda item and the name of the applicant. A â€Å"Speaker’s Slip† is available before or during session and needs to be filled out for anyone who wants to speak to provide information or comments regarding a specific case. Once the â€Å"Speaker’s Slip† is completed, the person will be asked to come in front to the Speaker’s table to voice out their concern or information. As well as the applicant, they will be asked to come forward if they wished to, if their case are called. The applicant involved may or may not choose to attend the hearing. Applicants can also be reached through teleconference if th ey prefer. The involved party are given 5 minutes to speak and give pertinent information regarding their case. An open discussion are held for each case. After the specific time allotted, the Board Members will then make their motion and state the action necessary for each case discussed. Majority of the Board

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